
Photonics & Imaging Technology

Your Gateway to the Optics and Imaging Design Engineering Community
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Advertise with the Leading Resource for Buyers of Optics, Lasers, and Imaging Products

From ultrafast cameras to groundbreaking space optics, photonics and imaging innovations are paving the way for new capabilities in a range of industries, including automotive, medical, communications, and aerospace. When you partner with Photonics & Imaging Technology (P&IT), you’ll reach decision-makers at the front-end of the product development process.

Each issue features exclusive reports of innovations in optics, fiber optics, electro-optics, lasers and laser systems, cameras and imaging systems, coatings and materials, test and measurement, sensors, and optical design and analysis software. Combined with a range of digital and custom advertising opportunities, you will reach engineers and designers who are creating tomorrow’s systems, equipment, and devices.

Photonics & Imaging Technology (P&IT) targets OEM designers and managers at the front end of the product development process, when decisions are made on technologies and vendors. Published quarterly in print and digital formats as a stand-alone supplement to Tech Briefs, you’ll reach more than 70,000 qualified subscribers when you advertise with P&IT.

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